8 Common Misconceptions About Export Credit

One useful financial instrument that might assist companies in entering foreign markets is export credit. It refers to financing provided by banks or financial institutions to exporters, enabling them to manage cash flow and cover production or shipment costs before receiving payment from the importer for the goods or services delivered. Nevertheless, there are a few myths regarding export credit that may keep companies from using this valuable asset.

Here are eight widespread myths:

  1. Export Credit is Only for Large Corporations

The misconception that exports credit is only for large corporations stems from a few factors:

        Complexity: The application process for export credit can seem complex, and many businesses can believe that they lack the resources or expertise to navigate it.

        Large transactions: Some export credit programs can have minimum transaction requirements that can be prohibitive for smaller businesses.

        Focus on large companies: Historically, export credit programs were heavily focused on supporting large corporations.

Magnifying glass over financial documents with text "8 Common Misconceptions About Export Credit".

8 Common Misconceptions About Export Credit

In reality, there are various export credit programs in today’s time. They are designed specifically to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These programs comprise tailored solutions and simplified application processes. They often provide additional support and resources to help SMEs access export credit.
  1. Export Credit is Too Expensive

The misconception that exports credit is too expensive can be influenced by several factors:

        Unfamiliarity with costs: Sometimes, MSME are not fully aware of the specific costs involved in export credit, such as fees, interest rates, and insurance premiums.

        Comparison to other financing options: Businesses may compare export credit to other financing options, such as bank loans, and obviously find the costs to be higher.

        Perceived complexity: As mentioned before, the application process for export credit can seem complex.

In reality, there are various financing options available, including short-term and long-term credit, with competitive rates and terms.

  1. Export Credit is Difficult to Obtain

This reason behind it is:

        Bureaucracy: There are situations in which businesses usually have negative experiences with government bureaucracy. This led them to believe that obtaining export credit would be a lengthy and cumbersome process.

        Limited access to information: There are many businesses that do not have access to the necessary resources or even information to navigate the export credit process effectively.

Other than these, complexity and unfamiliarity have also made a significant contribution to solidifying this myth.

But the fact is that many export credit agencies and financial institutions help and support businesses throughout the application process.

  1. Export Credit Only Covers Political Risks

It is a myth that export finance is limited to covering political concerns. Even if export credit insurance against political risk is a popular choice, it's not the only one.

Export credit can also cover risks, such as:

        Buyer insolvency

        Protracted default

        Contract disputes

        Currency fluctuations

        Force majeure events

  1. Export Credit is Only for Goods

The historical emphasis on physical items is the source of the myth that export finance is exclusively available for goods. But things are quite different in this globalised economy. Export credit can be used to finance the export of both goods and services.

There is a noticeable increase in the demand for services as the world economy develops. For companies that export services, export credit may be a useful instrument for managing cash flow, reducing risks, and reaching new markets.

  1. Export credit is only available for developed markets

It is a myth that export finance is exclusively accessible to developed markets. This myth has been fuelled by the following reasons:

        In the past, the focus was on developed markets.

        Some businesses may perceive greater risks associated with exporting to developing markets.

        Less awareness about various export credit programs and support mechanisms

However, the reality is that export credit can be a valuable tool for businesses exporting to any market. Many governments have programs specifically designed to support exports to emerging and developing economies, providing financing, risk mitigation, and other incentives.

  1. Export credit is a guaranteed source of financing.

There is a misperception that export credit is a guaranteed way to get money. But in actuality, the approval process for export financing is not always assured. It depends on various factors, including the creditworthiness of the buyer and the exporter, the nature of the transaction, and the country risk.

  1. Export credit is only for first-time exporters.

It is a myth that export finance is exclusively available to new exporters. It's possible that certain export credit organisations have initiatives created specially to assist new exporters, giving the impression that they are only available to novices. Export credit schemes are accessible to seasoned exporters as well as new ones.

So, here are eight myths and their busters. Now, time for some more information on export credit.

Export Credit Guarantee

Export credit guarantee (ECG) is a specific type of export credit that provides insurance protection against the risk of non-payment from foreign buyers.

Export credit guarantee solutions are offered by various organisations, including:

        Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC):

        Banks and Financial Institutions

        Insurance Companies

M1 NXT is a cutting-edge platform that provides innovative trade finance solutions for businesses involved in international trade. It is into export financing for small businesses and other enterprises.

It provides efficient export factoring solutions, allowing businesses to convert their unpaid export invoices into immediate cash, improving their cash flow and working capital.


There are many myths related to export credit that discourage many businesses from even thinking about it. Export credit is an effective financial solution for businesses venturing into international trade. Dispelling misconceptions about this tool empowers businesses to harness its benefits for global expansion and growth. M1 NXT's innovative trade financing options enable businesses of all scales to utilise export credit to unlock international opportunities and ensure success in the global marketplace. Embark on your global journey with the advantages of export credit today!




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